Mar 29, 2021

What are Docker Containers?

By |Cloud Computing, Technical Insights|

“Docker container” may not be new slang for a pair of classic men’s khakis, but they are the perfect fit for many business’s tech needs. So, can Docker containers help you on Casual Friday—and every other day? Find out in this article. Docker containers are standardized units of software that encompass an application’s code and [...]

Sep 22, 2020

Why You Should Consider Microservices

By |Business Insights, Cloud Computing, Technical Insights|

Microservices, or microservice architecture, may not be something you’re seeking, but it is definitely something you could use. But what is it? A technologist might explain microservices as an independently deployable service, or as building cloud-native applications directly in the cloud versus creating VMs (virtual machines) or SQL servers in the cloud. Still confused? [...]

May 1, 2020

7 Reasons Your IT Should Be on the Cloud

By |Cloud Computing|

Whether you’re aware of it or not, you have used the cloud in some shape or form. From backing up your photos to iCloud or adjusting your home thermostat from your phone, the cloud and its benefits are everywhere. Although most of us take advantage of cloud computing on a day-to-day basis, many businesses [...]

Mar 31, 2020

Chateaux: Business as Usual

By |Business Insights, Chateaux News, Cloud Computing|

How we’re maintaining business continuity during the coronavirus pandemic Unless your business is situated in a particularly at-risk location, your business continuity plan—while a key priority—is not likely something that was on your mind. And even if your office is perched on a cliff in a landslide zone, you may not have considered preparations [...]

Aug 27, 2014

Thoughts on Microsoft Azure

By |Business Insights, Cloud Computing|

There are a number of cloud-based services to choose from including Amazon Web Services, Rackspace, IBM Cloud, and Microsoft Azure, and each have their own pros and cons. But the Azure platform has gathered some serious momentum with their ease of use, speed, integration, and competitive pricing that is sure to send ripples throughout the cloud service world.

Dec 19, 2013

Strategy Day at Chateaux for Armored AutoGroup

By |Business Insights, Chateaux News, Cloud Computing|

Chateaux’s business is based on a methodology that includes a substantial investment in mentoring and support for our customers. The partnerships we cultivate with our clients are long-term commitments towards combining thoughtful collaboration with best practices. One of the many things we do to support and strengthen our relationships with clients is hosting them for [...]