About tbisset

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So far tbisset has created 7 blog entries.
Mar 3, 2015

Chateaux Partner Progress Software Acquires Telerik

By |Business Insights, Chateaux News|

The experts at Chateaux realized long ago the importance of rapid, cost-effective application and database development in order to deliver consistent, cross-platform business solutions. Today, the need for rapid software development is essential for businesses that want to beat their competition to market. For years Chateaux has been perfecting their skills in this area, with [...]

Sep 30, 2014

Check Out the Chateaux Cube at the CIO Summit

By |Chateaux News|

It is always difficult trying to come up with fresh ideas to bring to trade shows, so this year at the Greenwich CIO Summit we are bringing along what we like to call the “Chateaux Cube”, a PC custom built by the team here at Chateaux. This PC was built with clear acrylic, so every [...]

Aug 27, 2014

Thoughts on Microsoft Azure

By |Business Insights, Cloud Computing|

There are a number of cloud-based services to choose from including Amazon Web Services, Rackspace, IBM Cloud, and Microsoft Azure, and each have their own pros and cons. But the Azure platform has gathered some serious momentum with their ease of use, speed, integration, and competitive pricing that is sure to send ripples throughout the cloud service world.

May 16, 2014

Team Chateaux Beautifies Elementary School Courtyard

By |Chateaux News|

The Chateaux Team spent the afternoon on Friday, May 2 beautifying the courtyard of Brookside Elementary School in Norwalk, CT. Working with United Way of Coastal Fairfield County, as well as students and staff from the school, the team cleared out numerous loads of brush, pulled weeds, and planted a variety of species for the students and staff to enjoy.

May 1, 2014

An Increasingly Mobile World Part 2: The Multi-screen User

By |Business Insights|

Multi-screen users are using a combination of phones, tablets, computers, and TVs to consume 90% of all media. They use multiple devices to accomplish a goal or task in one of two ways: sequential usage and simultaneous usage. Sequential usage occurs when users move from one device to another at different times to accomplish a task. Simultaneous usage occurs when users use more than one device at the same time for either a related or unrelated activity.

Apr 15, 2014

An Increasingly Mobile World Part 1: The Mobile-only User

By |Business Insights|

This is a startling tech statistic: on Earth there are 7 billion people, 4.8 billion mobile phones, and 4.2 billion toothbrushes. Not astonished? Well how about this: there are 3 times more smartphones being activated every minute around the world than there are babies being born. Whether we want to accept it or not, the mobile market share is increasing at a rapid pace. And with this rise, our personal and professional relationship with mobile tech must evolve.