From executing contracts to accepting deliveries, signatures are used countless times a day across the globe. Utilizing an eSignature solution means that these signed agreements can be completed with the touch of a button. What in the past would have taken hours, days, or even weeks to complete can now be done within minutes. At Chateaux, we can integrate a wide range of applications from existing vendors within your new IT project. We believe integrating an eSignature solution could be beneficial for many projects, and here is why…

Integrating an eSignature solution within your IT environment enables you to fully automate the contract or agreement signature process without having to launch any new software or open any internet browser windows. You are able to customize the software interface, meaning it will be familiar to your staff and employees, which in turn should mean less time training them to use it. You will be able to use the desired functionality of your chosen eSignature solution within your own IT interface.

What are the main benefits of integrating an eSignature solution within your project/IT environment?

eSignature solutions provide many benefits, but here are some that we think are key:

Who would be an ideal candidate for a project including eSignature integration?

eSignatures can be used for such a vast number of purposes that there really is no ‘one ideal’ candidate for this kind of project. There really are so many use cases! Here are a few scenarios where an eSignature integration is the perfect fit:

  • When dealing with legal documents: eSignatures are legally binding with a court-admissible audit trail. This makes them the ideal solution when issuing and receiving legal documents of any kind.
  • Sales contracts: For many businesses, sales contracts are the most frequently signed item —as well as the most important. An eSignature solution saves a lot of manual process in these scenarios, and this is true for both large multinational enterprises and small local businesses.
  • Real estate transactions: eSignature solutions have gained widespread acceptance in this sector and are used to process tens of millions of real estate transactions.

Is it difficult to integrate eSignature solutions with existing systems?

It’s hard to generalize, as this is completely dependent upon the IT systems you are using as well as the types of template you’d like to integrate. At Chateaux we have a breadth of experience integrating eSignature solutions within a variety of systems. One of our experts would love to speak to you to discuss your individual business needs.

Why would you want to choose Chateaux to complete this work?

As previously mentioned, we have a wealth of experience in integrating eSignature solutions with a variety of IT systems. Matched with our innovative and forward thinking team of experts—we are the best choice for your project. If you’d like to know more about eSignatures or would like to discuss a potential project, please email [email protected], we’d love to hear from you!