Turns out a competitive edge is not a hard line, but a flexible adaptability
Sr. BI Technologist Ken Zimmerman honed his attention to detail with painting. Copyright © 1981 Ken Zimmerman
Have you heard of wunderkind Kwasi Enin? He’s the kid who got into all 8 Ivy League schools. Fine grades, tons of affiliations, and awards undoubtedly helped his cause. Yet, like companies out to bid for projects, many have failed to make the cut with similar accolades. What set him apart?
Its genius is his simple explanation of an often forgotten sentiment: that it is not only what you learn and how you learn it, but the way you interpret those lessons and apply them to any challenge.
For instance, Enin’s interest and experience as a seasoned violinist make him, on paper, primed for a chair in a leading orchestra. But, as Enin explains, the skills he gained while learning, playing, and practicing music have actually primed him for a career in medicine. It is the recognition, appreciation, and joy for these lessons’ interconnection that set Enin apart.
It’s also what sets Chateaux apart.
It’s often hard to properly put into words what differentiates us from the rest. Is it the grey hairs that have been in tech since Apple was just a fruit? Sure. Is it the talent that spans various disciplines and technologies? Of course. Is it the proven experience that has gained accolades, recommendations, and countless testimonials? Certainly. Is it the way in which all these aspects meld into one, allowing for the adaptability to take on any project, in any industry? Unequivocally: Yes.
When we enter into projects, we go in full-bore. Our technologists crave a good challenge; they know that it’s not just the obstacle at hand that will benefit from their discoveries and solutions, but all future problems. Their collaboration utilizes the strengths of each individual, which simultaneously leads to knowledge transfers and skill enhancement through teamwork.
It should come as no surprise that over 70% of our staff consists of former/active athletes, artists, and/or musicians. We know that every endeavor—whether a race, a painting, or a musical showcase, makes us stronger for the next project, whether in or out of the office.
It is easy to compartmentalize knowledge into boxes, creating linear boundaries. Praise turns into mere historical artifacts. Our functions can make us unmalleable cogs—but only if we allow it. Just like Enin, we at Chateaux take pride in our fluid ability to break barriers, absorb our experiences and lessons, and take joy in our ability to help others thrive.