Aug 24, 2012

Breaking the Barriers Part 2: Overcoming Data Ownership Issues and Related Politics

By |Business Insights, Tips and Tricks|

In the last post of our Breaking the Barriers series, we discussed a corporate culture based on silos, the top barrier to coordinating data management according to a TDWI survey published in the Business Intelligence Journal.  In the next installment of our Breaking the Barriers series, Hugo Toledo discusses the second most common barrier:  data [...]

Aug 22, 2012

Breaking the Barriers: Creating Data Management Practices in a Siloed Organization

By |Business Insights, Tips and Tricks|

By Pete Childs, Business Intelligence Technologist According to a recent survey conducted by TDWI (The Data Warehousing Institute), the most-cited barrier to creating coordinated data management practices within an organization is a corporate culture based on information silos. Here are the complete survey results: Source: Unified Data Management, TDWI Best Practices Report, Q2 [...]

Jul 18, 2012

iPad Fever

By |Business Insights, Technical Insights|

The iPad. Is it a reader? A digital picture frame? A really cool gadget? Well, yes, but it’s also a way to utilize advanced Business Intelligence tools on-the-go. Wait, what was that last one? SAP BusinessObjects Mobile for the iPad That’s right! SAP BusinessObjects™ has made their BI suite iPad-friendly and Chateaux [...]

Jun 28, 2012

Solving the Big Problem of Big Data

By |Business Insights|

Ken Zimmerman reviews the IT roundtable event presented by the Fairfield/Westchester SIM (Society for Information Management) that took place on Thursday, June 21, where he  facilitated discussions for over 60 CIOs and IT Executives. Chateaux Sr. BI Architect Ken Zimmerman The topic of Big Data was very well received, I think. Generally, folks have a good [...]

Jun 20, 2012

Developing Your Personal Brand

By |Business Insights|

By Hugo Toledo, Senior BI Architect Hugo Toledo Elevator Pitch If you ask folks with whom I’ve worked, they will likely tell you “Hugo’s a really smart guy who knows a lot and can help you get better at what you’re doing.” How do I know this? At a recent CIO conference [...]

Jun 5, 2012

Chateaux Rolls Out New Intranet SharePoint Portal

By |Technical Insights, Tips and Tricks|

Senior Technologists Vijay Rathna and Zoltan Varszegi have developed an enterprise intranet solution utilizing Microsoft SharePoint. The portal was created to provide Chateaux’s sales and marketing teams with a robust, easily accessible, centralized repository for collaboration and product demos.In addition, the customized, Chateaux-branded user interface enables a clear method for sharing contacts and documents internally. The [...]

May 30, 2012

Mobility Q&A: An Interview with Hugo Toledo

By |Business Insights|

BI Answer Man, Hugo Toledo With over 15 years of experience leading Business Intelligence teams, Chateaux's BI Answer Man, Hugo Toledo, has seen many significant technology advancements affect the way business is conducted. Mobile BI is no exception, in fact, it may be the most revolutionary change in the field thus far. [...]

May 30, 2012

Chateaux Deploys Innovative Network Management Solution

By |Tips and Tricks|

Sam Wuertz The Issue:  With a growing number of internal servers to manage, Chateaux Senior BI Technologist, Sam Wuertz, set out to find a way to more effectively administer the company's network. Previously, the owners of each server were responsible for recognizing and remediating potential issues. This method contained some intrinsic issues. Server [...]

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