Vijay Rathna, Senior BI Technologist and Application Architect

Vijay Rathna, Senior BI Technologist and Application Architect

Vijay Rathna, Senior BI Technologist and Application Architect, is leading a major project for Chateaux at an electronics manufacturer to integrate an enterprise imaging platform (EIP) with the client’s existing ERP printing applications. The client prints thousands of contracts, customer orders, invoices, and other documents every day, and needed an enterprise solution to manage and control the vast amount of print jobs across numerous locations.

Rathna and the Chateaux team are supporting the client’s IT staff by providing customization, as well as implementing a unique print management software. The Chateaux team is also building a data mart to support the printing application, designing the high-level architecture, and building a dimensional database which will allow the client to easily access reports. The result will be a fully-integrated print infrastructure management system that enables the client to print from the correct printer based on location, type of report, or size of document, while employing security and authentication controls. With Chateaux’s customization and integration services, employees will be able to easily print out complex reports and dashboards from their ERP or business analytics software.

Read more about Chateaux’s data management solutions.